David Brown
Senior Engineer
Standard Ticket
David Brown is a member of the Linaro Vertical Technologies Group, and has worked on the Linux kernel, with a focus on security for a number of years. Recently, he has been focusing on security as it relates to IoT and embedded devices, including focusing on secure booting, and secure network communications. He is currently the Security Chair for the Zephyr Project, and a maintainer for the MCUboot secure bootloader.
MAD24-413 So, you want to encrypt?
- Friday, 17 May 11:30 - 11:55
- Room: Session 3 | Tenerife II
A commonly heard adage in security is "never design your own cryptography". Related to this is advice that you also shouldn't design your own protocol. In this talk we will start with what seems to be a simple requirement for cryptography, and go through developing a protocol around this, seeing the pitfalls and traps that await us. We will end with an open standard that supports this requirement, hopefully with a better understanding of the complexity and intricacies behind it.
Rust on Zephyr
- Thursday, 07 November 10:10 - 10:20
- Room: Plenary Room | The Ballroom
I have recently begin work on a services task with the aim of bringing Rust support to upstream Zephyr. I will cover, briefly, what this is, and some of the challenges and "fun" in this project.