MAD24-109 10 years with OP-TEE
- Tuesday, 14 May 15:55 - 16:55 (Europe/Madrid)
- Room: Keynote | Zaragoza III+IV
In June 2024 it's 10 years since OP-TEE was published as an open source project. OP-TEE has been a significant project for Linaro and it has been used as a reference TEE implementation at Arm. Also in addition to that it's used by lots of organizations, companies and vendors for all sorts for purposes, like products, research, development etc. We'd like to run a panel discussion with the people who have been involved in the project where we discuss the history, the things that went good, what has been challenging and where we see OP-TEE go in the future.
BoF Secure Data Path
This is a discussion rather than a technical presentation. There's an ongoing effort in the kernel to add support for secure or restricted memory for various use cases, such as Secure Video Playback, Trusted UI, and Secure Video Recording. I've posted a patch set that together with OP-TEE can implement a Secure Data Path for the mentioned use cases. This patch set includes generic code that allows other TEE drivers to integrate with different TEE implementations. In this session, we discuss further use cases, how this can demonstrated, or anything else that could be relevant. Might it be possible or meaningful to make a full open-source reference implementation, including firmware?
No slides available.