MAD24-321 SystemReady as the default option for BSPs - Findings from the last SystemReady IoT workshop
- Thursday, 16 May 13:45 - 14:10
- Room: Session 1 | Las Palmas I
In February, SystemReady's Advisory Committee organized a workshop focused on outlining an optimal reference stack for Rich IoT edge devices, fostering security and interoperability between platforms and operating systems. Participants from across the wide supply chain, including representatives from System Integrators, OSVs, ISVs, ODMs, OEMs, and SIPs, shared their perspectives on the guiding principles of an effective stack, the standards that uphold those principles, and the existing implementations. This BoF session aims to present the workshop's conclusions and facilitate an open dialogue regarding any identified gaps. Additionally, it seeks to brainstorm the most effective approaches to address these gaps in the short term.
MAD24-200K3 How ONELab is reshaping Arm at the Edge
- Wednesday, 15 May 09:40 - 10:15
- Room: Keynote | Zaragoza III+IV
Today's environment is demanding on Edge and IoT infrastructure. We require high performance platforms, processing vast amounts of data with software and AI that is changing at cloud-native speed, and all must be done safely and securely. To meet these demands, our platforms need to be ready for deployment at scale, have security built-in and enabled by default, and be updatable, adaptable platforms that can host a wide range of workloads. We've risen to these challenges with our work on enabling Arm SystemReady, PSA and PARSEC in open source projects and on devices. Now, we're taking the next step. At this year's Linaro Connect we're pleased to launch ONELab, a new initiative that helps Arm vendors test their platforms for compliance and demonstrate real interoperability between hardware, OSes, and cloud middleware on Arm Edge and Embedded devices. Come and hear from our panel of lead partners how ONELab is transforming the Arm ecosystem.
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