MAD24-408 Accelerator: UADK’s usage and development
- Friday, 17 May 10:55 - 11:20
- Room: Keynote | Zaragoza III+IV
UACCE(Unified/User-space-access-intended Accelerator Framework) was upstream to Linux kernel version 5.7, and it targets to provide Shared Virtual Addressing (SVA) between accelerators and processes. So accelerator can access any data structure of the main CPU. It is jointly developed by Huawei and Linaro. Some open source projects have joint or are in the process of joining the UACCE, such as UADK(User Space Accelerator Development Kit), DPDK(Data Plane Development Kit), SPDK(Storage Performance Development Kit) and so on. We will share the current development status, the usage cases, the performance, and the future evolution of UACCE.
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