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Leonardo Garcia

Principal Engineer
Standard Ticket

A computer engineer for 20+ years, having worked on a variety of areas. I have worked with micro-controllers, CAN networks, and even web development a long time ago. I did mobile web application development before the smartphone era. I have been focused on Linux, virtualization, and enterprise servers (mainly PowerPC, but also mainframes and x86) for 15 years while I worked at IBM. Now, at Linaro, I am the chair of the Data Center Group, where I direct, with Linaro's members and engineers, all the work we do on Arm server platforms for data center and cloud.


MAD24-404 Deploying and managing Confidential Virtual Machines on Arm platforms

  • Friday, 17 May 10:20 - 10:45
  • Room: Session 2 | Tenerife I

Building on top of the work Arm has been doing with the community to enable the Arm Confidential Compute Architecture (CCA) on open-source projects, Linaro is contributing to make an open-source reference implementation of the whole CCA software stack by enabling support in QEMU, both as a Realm Management Extension (RME) emulation platform and a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) for Realms, Kata containers and Confidential Containers (CoCo) projects. We are also working on the important aspect of attestation verification of the confidential computing workloads. This talk describes the latest development made by the Linaro team and the community around this multitude of open-source projects to provide a complete software stack capable of deploying and managing confidential workloads on Arm platforms.