MAD24-310 Using logical performance and power domains to achieve resource abstraction over SCMI



  • Thursday, 16 May 11:00 - 11:25
  • Room: Keynote | Zaragoza III+IV

Traditionally, the performance domains have been used only for CPU devices however there is no reason why it can't be used for non-cpu devices(i.e. peripherals). We aim to abstract peripheral resources such as clocks, regulators, interconnect, phy etc. using performance and power domains. In this approach, we define logical performance and power domains for the peripheral devices instead of dealing with clocks,regulator, interconnect etc. individually. We abstract resources in firmware and use SCMI power and perf protocols to to request/configure peripherals resources. This minimizes the traffic between the agent and platform thus improves boot KPIs. We will discuss upstreaming efforts etc. to achieve this.

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Nikunj Kela
Senior Staff Engineer at Qualcomm
Nikunj Kela works in automotive business unit of Qualcomm San Diego, USA. He holds master of computer science degree from North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA. He belongs to a small town in... View more