MAD24-322 What does it take to ease SCMI development and testing


Linux kernel

  • Thursday, 16 May 14:20 - 14:45
  • Room: Session 2 | Tenerife I

With the increasing adoption of SCMI by partners and the extensive enablement work carried out by Linaro, the SCMI ecosystem can now be deployed in a number of different configurations across a wide variety of platforms; as a consequence the approach to testing and the ease of developement play a crucial role in delivering a reliable and high-quality SCMI stack implementation. This talk will at first, quickly, address the current and work-in-progress state of the testing and development infrastructures available in the SCMI kernel stack, looking at the perspective and needs of both the SCMI platform server firmware and the SCMI agents, especially focusing on the Linux Kernel SCMI agent. After having laid out such a panoramic view of the existing SCMI development and testing scenarios, the focus will shift on the residual criticalities of current SCMI development process to discuss possible further enhancements to ease development and testing.

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Cristian Marussi
Linux Kernel Developer at Arm
Cristian Marussi works as a Linux kernel developer at Arm in the CE-SW Kernel team, mostly focusing on firmware interfaces and SCMI development. View more