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Dong Wei

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Dong Wei is a Standards Architect and Fellow at Arm. He leads the Arm SystemReady Program. He has significant experience in leading the industry in innovations and standardization. He is the Vice President (Chief Executive) of the UEFI Forum and co-chairs its ACPI Working Group. He is a Board member of the PCI SIG and co-chairs its Firmware Working Group. He is a Board member and the Secretary of both the CXL and the UCIe Consortiums. He is a Contributor Advisor on the TCG Board of Directors. He serves on the OCP and OPI Steering Committees. He is also a Senior Member of IEEE. Prior to joining Arm, Dong Wei was the Vice President and Fellow at Hewlett-Packard Company and Hewlett Packard Enterprise. As the Chief Architect for UEFI and ACPI, he led the definitions of the interfaces hardware, firmware and operating systems for x64, x86, Arm, ia64, RISC-V and PA-RISC based systems. He is a frequent speaker at many industry events including Intel Developer Forum, Microsoft WINHEC, Arm TechCon and DevSummit, Linaro Connect, and OCP Global and Regional Summit.


MAD24-212 Arm System Architecture and SystemReady Update

  • Wednesday, 15 May 12:20 - 12:45 (Europe/Madrid)
  • Room: Keynote | Zaragoza III+IV

This sessions provides a detailed update to the system architecture standards such as BSA, xBSA, and BBR that covers the hardware and firmware requirements necessary for the generic OSes to boot/install without modifications and for software standardization of hardware features specific for market segments. In addition SBMR update is provided that covers the server management standardization effort. This session will also provide an update on the SystemReady certification program.

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System Architecture Standards from Arm-based servers to PCs

Arm Base System Architecture (BSA) and the SBBR recipe in the Arm Base Boot Requirements (BBR) built the hardware and firmware foundation for the generic OSes to install and boot on the compliant systems with no need for customization. However, there are additional hardware requirements necessary for the software to provide standard support. They are also further hardware and firmware standardization needed for power and thermal management for laptops. This session describes the effort in PC BSA supplement and SBBR extensions needed for the Arm-based PCs along with the roadmap for the journey ahead.

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