Agustin Benito Bethe...
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Agustín Benito Bethencourt met Free Software during his university times. But it was back in 2003 when he decided to shift his career as entrepreneur towards Open Source and Open Data. Since then, he has guided teams, project and organizations in the design, development, deployment and support of Open Source based products or services. Playing different management, executive and consultant roles, Agustín has worked in verticals like automotive, IoT, Edge, industrial, general embedded, enterprise or desktop. He now works as an independent consultant. As a volunteer, he is a proud KDE e.V. and KDE Spain member, as well as Software Heritage Ambassador. He has been involved in other Open Source projects/communities and open data ones for over 20 years. In addition, Agustín has a solid background as speaker, community steward, business developer and trainer. Agustín has lived in several countries and he currently lives between the Málaga metropolitan area and La Palma, Canary Islands, both in Spain. He is a remote work advocate, traveling frequently.
MAD24-208 Improving Delivery Process Performance for Software-Defined Products Helped by Data Analytics
- Wednesday, 15 May 11:10 - 11:35 (Europe/Madrid)
- Room: Session 2 | Tenerife I
Most of what we know today about applying delivery metrics today comes from software production environments where the organization has significant or full control of the product deployment. How do we apply such metrics in environments where your control of the deployment environment is limited or non-existent? What if it is not a software-only product but a software-defined one (including HW)? What if there is a supply chain involved you have to collaborate with in order to create the product actively? What if there are regulations involved? Is our approach to delivery metrics similar in all those cases or do we need to adapt them? What adaptations do we need to apply? This session, tailored for software engineers and data scientists, will delve into some of the lessons learned when applying delivery metrics and other key metrics to such environments, as well as some of the challenges we have faced. It will also describe the lessons learned from open source we are applying when implementing data analytics into production environments that have worked well. This talk aims to elucidate how analytics-driven assessments empower software engineering teams with insights, aiding in process and practice refinement, identifying bottlenecks, silos, waste, etc., and fostering continuous improvement with a noticeable impact on both, the overall organizational performance and the workforce well-being.