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Matteo Carlini

Director, Software T...
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Matteo is Director of Software Technology Management at Arm and serves as Chairman of the Board for Trusted Firmware. He drives Arm's community effort into various open source projects, focusing on security architectures, firmware & kernel interfaces, platform security requirements and ecosystem enablement. In a previous life, he spent many years managing and working on embedded software developments for networking and automotive devices across various companies, where firmware meant BSPs and lot of proprietary headache.


MAD24-324 Trusted Firmware Project updates and 10 years of TF-A.

  • Thursday, 16 May 14:55 - 15:20
  • Room: Session 2 | Tenerife I open source community project is providing a collaborative platform for the security experts from the wider community to build scalable security. Over the years, the project has grown with multiple projects providing secure software implementation for Armv8-A, Armv9-A and Armv8-M. As we celebrate 10 years of the Trusted Firmware-A project, the session would cover recent significant project milestones, key project initiatives (LTSs, MISRA), new members and roadmaps.

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