Sumit Semwal
Tech Lead, LCG
Standard Ticket
Sumit is the Tech Lead in Linaro's Consumer Group, working with a team of super-amazing engineers who work together on Android and related technologies.
MAD24-220 LCG Lightning Talks
- Wednesday, 15 May 14:20 - 14:45 (Europe/Madrid)
- Room: Session 3 | Tenerife II
A series of short talks about various topics of work that Linaro Consumer Group have been working on.
MAD24-217 Android BoF
- Wednesday, 15 May 14:55 - 15:20 (Europe/Madrid)
- Room: Session 3 | Tenerife II
Birds of Feather session to talk about all things Android.
MAD24-213 devboardsforandroid: An update
- Wednesday, 15 May 12:20 - 12:45 (Europe/Madrid)
- Room: Session 3 | Tenerife II was started as a collaborative space to collect devboards aimed to be enabled with AOSP. This session provides an update since, and takes us through the SM8550 enabled as a device using this space.
16K page size Kernels with AOSP on DB845c
A comparison of performance with 16K page size with AOSP, on devboards.
No slides available.
sm8x50-userdebug: One AOSP Build to Rule Them All!
A unified AOSP target build (sm8x50-userdebug) booting on multiple Qualcomm ARMv9 devboards. * A generic boot image approach (GKI +GSI). * Reusing the upstream focused Vendor HALs (drm_hwcomposer, mesa, etc). * Simplified testing and development efforts.
Trusty / HVAC Projects Sprint
- Tuesday, 05 November 09:00 - 17:00 (Europe/Madrid)
- Room: Meeting Room 1 | Goldsmith Suite
Trusty and HVAC work is split across multiple people working with different focus. There is a need to sit together and sync. Would help to have dedicated sessions to align. 6-8 people. 1 day should be enough.
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LCG Lightning Talks
A session to share various small updates on technical work done by the LCG Android team. Some of the topics included will be: - Android Testing evolution through the year - API level updates
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Page-agnostic AOSP on devboards - Enablement experience
In this session, we will talk about the actual process of enabling page-agnostic AOSP with the Linaro devboards. We will also cover some of the common potential problems, the issues we faced and how they were resolved.
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Generic BootLoader (GBL) on devboards
Generic Boot Loader (GBL) is a UEFI app under development at Google, aimed at reducing the bootloader changes Android vendors have to implement based on changing needs. We have been involved with enabling and validating GBL on our devboards using uBoot as the base bootloader. This session talks about: a. steps to enable GBL with your device, b. things to be careful about, c. best practices.
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GBL in action on Devboards
Generic Boot Loader is a generic Android boot solution leveraging EFI. We enabled this on our devboards, and will demonstrate it at Connect.
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virtio-msg FFA demo
Virtio-msg is a new transport protocol being developed and used for multiple use-cases - mobile, heterogenous compute to name a couple. To enable virtio-msg for mobiles world, FF-A implementation has been done. We will demostrate a VM communicating via virtio-msg over ffa.
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