Linaro Connect 24
14th May
No talks scheduled for this date.
15th May
Tech Lead Google Landing Team at Linaro
During this talk we will explore Google's efforts in collaboration with the Linaro Google landing team to create an upstream Android development platform with the Pixel 6 device and Tensor G1 SoC. We will explore * The current status of Tensor G1 SoC...
Kernel Engineer & Power Specialist at Linaro
The awareness of the cost resulting from the Android kernel fragmentation led to a convergence to a Linux kernel upstream support based on a Generic Kernel Interface (GKI). The effort for supporting upstream SoCs is unfortunately slowed down when the kern...
Tech Lead, LCG at Linaro
Session was started as a collaborative space to collect devboards aimed to be enabled with AOSP. This session provides an update since, and takes us through the SM8550 enabled as a device using this space.
Software Engineer at Google
Cuttlefish is a virtual device platform meant for Android development and supported by Google since 2017. I'll cover the state of the platform and what the team is working on this year. Amongst these projects is a generic Android Boot solution (ABL) we...
Tech Lead, LCG at Linaro
Birds of Feather session to talk about all things Android.
Tech Lead, LCG at Linaro
A series of short talks about various topics of work that Linaro Consumer Group have been working on.
16th May
No talks scheduled for this date.
17th May
No talks scheduled for this date.