MAD24-220 LCG Lightning Talks
- Wednesday, 15 May 14:20 - 14:45
- Room: Session 3 | Tenerife II
A series of short talks about various topics of work that Linaro Consumer Group have been working on.
MAD24-217 Android BoF
- Wednesday, 15 May 14:55 - 15:20
- Room: Session 3 | Tenerife II
Birds of Feather session to talk about all things Android.
MAD24-213 devboardsforandroid: An update
- Wednesday, 15 May 12:20 - 12:45
- Room: Session 3 | Tenerife II was started as a collaborative space to collect devboards aimed to be enabled with AOSP. This session provides an update since, and takes us through the SM8550 enabled as a device using this space.
sm8x50-userdebug: One AOSP Build to Rule Them All!
A unified AOSP target build (sm8x50-userdebug) booting on multiple Qualcomm ARMv9 devboards. * A generic boot image approach (GKI +GSI). * Reusing the upstream focused Vendor HALs (drm_hwcomposer, mesa, etc). * Simplified testing and development efforts.