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Sahaj Sarup

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MAD24-206 Linaro Automation Appliance preview

  • Wednesday, 15 May 10:35 - 11:00
  • Room: Session 2 | Tenerife I

The Linaro Automation Appliance is a new solution developed by Linaro to accelerate device automation by providing a full featured appliance. In the test automation community, LAVA has become the de-facto standard for the software. On the hardware side, most of the automation labs are using customs solutions. The Linaro Automation Appliance (LAA) goal is to provide a full-featured appliance for automating Device Under Test (DUT) in LAVA. Thanks to the LAA, lab admins can add new DUT to their lab in a few minutes. In this talk we will present the Linaro Automation Appliance unique features along with it's links with the LAVA Managed Service.

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Linaro Automation Appliance

In this demo, we will showcase the Linaro Automation Appliance that allow to allow to accelerate device automation. This demo will also showcase the LAVA Managed service.

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Linaro Automation Appliance insights

  • Wednesday, 06 November 10:20 - 10:30
  • Room: Plenary Room | The Ballroom

The Linaro Automation Appliance is a new solution developed by Linaro to accelerate device automation by providing a full featured appliance. In the test automation community, LAVA has become the de-facto standard for the software. On the hardware side, most of the automation labs are using customs solutions. The Linaro Automation Appliance (LAA) goal is to provide a full-featured appliance for automating Device Under Test (DUT) in LAVA. Thanks to the LAA, lab admins can add new DUT to their lab in a few minutes. In this talk we will present the Linaro Automation Appliance unique features along with it's links with the LAVA Managed Service.

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