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Daniel Scally

Software Engineer
Ideas on Board
Standard Ticket

Dan came to the world of Linux kernel development accidentally during the pandemic when trying to get the cameras working on his laptop so he could join the family Zoom calls. Working as part of the linux-surface community he helped to write extensions to the Intel IPU3 code that corrected the firmware graphs between the camera sensors and the ISP, as well as updates to the camera sensor drivers to allow them to be used with libcamera. This work involved close cooperation with the folks from Ideas on Board, who invited him to join them. His work of late has largely focused on open source support for Arm's Mali-C55 ISP.


MAD24-420 Open source support for Arm's Mali-C55 ISP

  • Friday, 17 May 12:40 - 13:05
  • Room: Session 1 | Las Palmas I

Arm's Mali-C55 ISP has started hitting silicon, and for the past year work has been underway to implement support for the hardware entirely through open source software. In this session we'll outline the work that's been done so far, covering the Linux kernel driver and the new pipeline handler within libcamera that combine to allow basic image capture through any application using the library. We'll also talk about the in-progress work to implement the delivery and consumption of parameters and statistics between the kernel driver and userspace along with an overview of the implementation of some of the most common image enhancement algorithms, such as Auto-Exposure and Auto-White Balance. Finally we'll cover our plans for future development and explain how you can use our work to integrate the ISP in your own software stacks and even enhance support by implementing custom image processing algorithms.

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