Leif Lindholm
Principal Engineer
Standard Ticket
Working to bring standards compliance to Qualcomm firmware. Formerly: Application Processor firmware lead in NUVIA, continuing in that role post acquisition by Qualcomm. Tech lead for the UEFI team in Linaro's Enterprise Group. Worked on bootloaders and the Linux kernel. Author of ports of GRUB (the project formerly known as GRUB2) to 32-bit and 64-bit ARM. 12.5 years at Arm, starting in the Partner Enablement Group, ending up in an assignment to Linaro.
MAD24-414 SBSA Reference Platform in QEMU - status update
- Friday, 17 May 11:30 - 11:55
- Room: Session 2 | Tenerife I
Many things happened around SBSA Reference Platform in QEMU during last years. From virtual hardware changes to firmware updates. In this talk I want to share machine's current status, what was changed and tested. How close we are to SBSA/SystemReady SR compliance. Also some bits of future plans.
MAD24-311 TianoCore community update
- Thursday, 16 May 11:00 - 11:25
- Room: Session 1 | Las Palmas I
TianoCore is the project that maintains the edk2 project, the UEFI reference implementation, as well as other related projects - like edk2-platforms. It's been quite a few years since we talked about these at Connect, so here are some updates on: changes since before the plague, upcoming changes to processes, upcoming changes to codebases, new features.