MAD24-419 OP-TEE device drivers frameworks



  • Friday, 17 May 12:40 - 13:05
  • Room: Session 3 | Tenerife II

OP-TEE OS offers an almost full software implementation of the GP TEE APIs and other services exposed to trusted applications and to non-secure OSes. However, OP-TEE OS also offers several frameworks to ease integration of device drivers for platform resources from system resources (clocks, interrupts, …) to cryptographic hardware assistance and peripherals. These drivers can rely on device-tree or not to manage their configuration and dependencies. Several such frameworks were added in recent OP-TEE releases. This session proposes a tour in the device driver frameworks available in OP-TEE and is an opportunity to discuss with the attendance on possible evolutions.

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Etienne Carrière
SW engineer at ST
Etienne Carrière is an embedded software engineer at STMicroelectronics. He is involved in boot stages, kernel layers and system resources for Linux based embedded systems since the beginning of the c... View more